The Opposite of People by Michael Feldman BOOK

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Price in points: 800 points
Reward points: 2 points

MSRP in CDN $39.99


Michael has developed a national reputation for his devious effects with sleight of hand. He has perform in an off-Broadway show in New York, at the world-famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, and for Crystal Cruises around the world.

The Opposite of People is set of six effects from Michael's current and active performing repertoire.
  • A Familiar Ring
  • End For End
  • Not Again
  • Phorgery
  • Sticky Prediction
All of them have been honed in front of countless audiences. It includes an effect named as one of the Top Ten of the Year in Talk About Tricks by Joshua Jay and MAGIC Magazine, and another that is the staple of Michael's Magic Castle Act.

And it all comes in some of the most creative packaging we've ever seen.


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