Kirby the Magician/Sharpshooter Poster

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Reward points: 2 points


21.75" x 29.75" - Cross-folds with some long wrinkles and some cracks near the edges - Lithograph Two different posters printed side by side on one piece of paper

KIRBY in bold thick white letters with black borders and CANADA'S MASTER MAGICIAN in black letters underneath all on the left side. A magician in black is producing a rabbit out of a hat on a table with a magic wand on a red and white back with a thick white border. ROSS in wide red letters with KING OF THE WESTERN SHARPSHOOTERS below with a head and shoulders sketch of a cowboy with a gun all on a white back with red, white and black titles. Printed with linoleum blocks on pulp paper. Kirby was also illustrator for THE DRAGON magazine.


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